Last week I had the opportunity to work with the Kinders in the ELC playing with discovery boxes. I put together a magnet discovery box and worked with little Ike (in the picture above). So what is a discovery box? A discovery box can be any box, trunk, or other holding device filled with objects and artifacts that represent a topic. For our purposes with the Kinders, the topic could be anything related to math, health, or science. The box I put together was about the properties of magnets and their relationship to other objects. Other people in my cohort did fun boxes to discover the food guide pyramid, insects, the five senses, nature, etc. Our interaction with the children was limited, but it was entertaining to see their responses and reactions as they discovered away! In my magnet box I included all kinds of magnets: magnet wands, discs, marbles, paper clips, a giant horseshoe magnet, magnet bars, etc. There were a million little pieces which might have been a mistake as I watched them being flung all over the room, but Ike and Connor seemed to really enjoy them! Ike was more involved with the activity than Connor, who proceeded to make a necklace by stringing the paper clips together. I am in love with these kinders!
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