I love the holiday season. It is, without question, my favorite time of year. Everyone seems to be in a giving, selfless, helping spirit and it warms my heart to see complete strangers helping each other out. Just when I start to feel blue about this chaotic and destructive world we live in today, I get very pleasantly surprised.
To me, the holidays mean making the fifteen second walk across the street to my grandparents house on Christmas Eve. I grew up here in Beaverton, and I have spent every Christmas since I can remember in this house, making the same trip every year across the street. It has always been me, Mom, Dad, my brother and sister, and Mimi and Baba (my grandparents) celebrating together. It never fails to be a little dysfunctional, but I wouldn't have it any other way. It always begins with my parents making jokes about skipping Christmas for a year and donating all our presents to the needy. Then there's us kids still pretending there is a Santa Claus.
The holidays mean pajamas, too much hot chocolate, and warm tea. Mimi and my mom slaving in the kitchen on Christmas Eve over green bean casserole and cheesy potatoes that will surely give you a heart attack. Don't laugh. They are delicious.
The holidays mean a full family room and a large tree with presents for the entire family under it. Sure, we start out politely watching each person open their respective gift. By the end it is a mad free-for-all. We never seem to mind.
The holidays mean listening to Christmas music. I have been listening this year since the first of November. I listen to it everywhere. In the car. At home. At school. On my computer. What can I say? I love my Christmas music. My favorites this year continue to be the N'Sync album and Jessica Simpson.
The holidays mean half eaten cookies from Santa, an empty glass of milk, and being lazy on Christmas Day, enjoying our new goodies from good ol' Saint Nick. Without a doubt, this is my favorite time of year.
So my first Christmas party this year was with my cohort at Pacific University. On our last day of class for fall term, our professor slaved in the kitchen over gingerbread and frosting. We met at Mark's house to drink homemade apple cider, decorate a giant gingerbread house, eat too many sweets, and enjoy each other's company. Here are some pictures from the get together!